A Zombie Invasion in Saskatoon
Clowns, brides, a pregnant women, an 80's rocker, even a chain gang. As it turns out, no one was immune. Hundreds of them shuffling down the street, reaching out at passengers in cars and moaning or growling at any humans they met in their path.
And I was at ground zero: Post-apocalyptic downtown Saskatoon.
For the past few years, Saskatoon's Zombie Walk has run alongside the Dark Bridges Film Festival. This year was no different.
I braved the hordes of zombies to capture these images, and made it out alive. Some weren't so lucky. I just hope this bite heals...
Here's the story.
and one for your nightmares tonight...
If you enjoyed this series, check out the last zombie invasion I managed to live through in 2011 entitled "A Zombie Takeover" or my other photo stories from around the globe.
Images originally published on "A Zombie Invasion in Saskatoon" published on DustinMain.com
© Dustin Main 2013